Advice and Encouragement - for everyday living.
~ The unbelieving Christless person cannot understand the Christian's desire to "go home"
Only after they themselves become believers will they understand this.
~ As born again blood bought Christians we have only ONE Commander-In-Chief --- and He is Jesus Christ our Lord.
We no longer belong to earthly commanders.
~ If we hate Foreigners we need to read the book of Jonah.
~ Too much noise in our lives blocks out the voice of God.
~ Every moment can be lived in God’s presence.
~ Take time to look around and enjoy the life God has given you.
~ The Lord never has to say "oops!" because all things are under His control, and nothing happens without His consent.
~ If we read man published books more than the bible we are not being properly nourished.
~ Be the Church 24/7/365
~ Modernism can infect the entire Church ... IF ... we let it.
Sweep it out before it’s too late.
~ To the new Christian,
Be very careful and discerning. Read your bible through and through, because a human mentor could very possible lead you astray.
~ What we think about the most is what we love the most.
~ The Christian is to "Encourage, Encourage, Encourage", not allowing others to languish in their pain.
~ Never mind what others think of you---what does God think of you.
~ Just as the Lord is patient so should we be.
~ If something other than Jesus dominates the thoughts of a Christian it is idolatry.
~ Having a bible that's never read is like having a car that you never drive,
your not going anywhere.
~ Do we possess riches or do riches possess us?
~ If our lives are too soft with no struggles we will stop growing.
~ If we don't corral our thoughts and tame them they will swamp our faith.
~ Beloved Christian,
With the Holy Spirit's power we can do anything ... even the impossible.
~ If you are a follower of Christ but trust in the world, you are setting yourself up for a fall.
~ Many believe in a God, but a large portion of that many do not obey or trust Him.
~ Is This Jesus’ Hardest Command?
~ Man's mind cannot conceive the wonder's of heaven that await those who love the Lord, neither can man's mind conceive the horrors of hell that await those who hate the Lord.
~ There are many advantages to being poor.
The rich have many fears.
~ Sincere Christians stand out in sharp contrast to the world's way of doing things.
~ Do we realize the reality of heaven --- or are our eyes fixed too firmly on this world?
~ Satan can hinder Christian work by creating diversions.
~ The greatest danger to the Church has always been worldliness.
~ Today’s Church in America is riddled with modernism.
~ The insanity of modern thought has been going on for centuries.
~ Watch out for the fakes … not all that quacks is a duck.
~ We are chained --- and Christ has the chisel and hammer to break us free.
~ Whatever the Lord puts before you to do --- do it faithfully and crown it with love.
~ Christian Workers,
Unless you allow the Holy Spirit to work through you, you will labor in vain.
~ Godless men have tried for centuries to crush Christianity but the Christian faith can never be extinguished.
~ Be unorthodox and get the message of salvation out any way you can.
~ Our minds lack the capacity to describe the vastness of the heavenly realm.
~ Do you want to be a better Christian? Stop trying so hard and just submit your daily life to Christ.
~ Don’t ever think you are alone in your weaknesses --- You are not, you are human just like the rest of us.
~ The Bible only ... as is. This is the only Truth.
~ Don't drown out God's voice with all the noise of the world.
~ Do not let sin hinder your Christian work.
~ If I am despised for my Christian faith, and thought to be backward and ignorant, I take courage in the fact that the world has always treated faithful Christians in this manner.
~ When we are in a waterless desert God has us in a position where we will listen to Him.
~ The Christian life is not a smooth no trial road as some would lead us to believe, there are a lot of bumps to help us grow.
~ We can’t, but the Lord can.
~ When one carries on a conversation with a fool, they are in danger of becoming one.
- Proverbs 26:4 “Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are.”
~ God gave us gentle music to soothe our souls.
~ Are you tempted? Just turn away and say no.
~ A welcome mat lies in front of an open bible.
~ Real joy is because of Jesus.
~ Be like Jesus to someone everyday.
~ Wherever God sends His workers He will provide everything they need to get the job done.
~ Born again Christians never need to say “goodbye” to a fellow believer when they know they are going to leave this earth, it should be, “see you later.”
~ You can trust God because He will never lie, it is not His nature.
~ Those who love God need not fear death, they will be welcome in His home.
~ A life filled with activity for self will empty the soul of compassion for others.
~ Christianity as a protected state sanctioned religion may seem like a good idea to some, but it soon corrupts the Church.
~ For Christians to disown another Christian is to deny Christ.
~ There are many lying spirits out there in the world, so Stay close to Jesus and He will help you discern between true and false.
~ Today’s American Church must divorce itself from the business way of doing things.
~ A short dialogue between two people,
First person says,
“The righteous must never associate with the unrighteous.”
Second person replies,
“That’s why there are not many Christians in the world.”
~ They may be able to kill the messenger --- but they can never kill the message.
~ If we don’t know Jesus Christ the Savior we are homeless orphans.
~ Knowing our own sins enables us to talk to others about their sins.
~ This constant preaching for and about money in churches today keeps many from coming to Jesus Christ to be saved.
~ To overcome sin we must deny ourselves.
And we cannot do this without the Holy Spirit's help.
~ Sin is like a tree that has fallen across the road, you must remove it before you can make any progress.
- unknown author
~ If you are afraid of the dark follow the Son.
~ Better to be alone in peace than to live in turmoil with lots of people.
~ If you have never been there --- how can you understand it?
~ When you know the Truth you will recognize a lie.
~ The furnace of affliction produces strong faith.
~ The Christian’s faith is not one of emotion and feelings,
it is one of faith and trust, whether we feel God’s presence or not.
~ Who can we encourage to persevere through difficulty today?
~ Poverty and affliction will take away the fuel that feeds pride.
- Richard Sibbes
~ Give to charity for the sake of those in need, not so we can get a blessing.
~As Christians we are not to rule over those around us … but to love them and try to bring them to Jesus.
~ Do the best you can with what you have on hand.
~ If you find yourself getting cold … step into the Sonlight.
~ The nature of the beast is in us … only Christ Jesus can kill it.
~ “Fear Not” --- Speak truth fearing no one.
~ If we would walk with Jesus we must walk on our knees.
- unknown author
~ The Lord did not place us in a situation where we are to do nothing.
~ Patience makes it possible to finish a difficult job.
~ How do a free people lose their freedom?
By being afraid and remaining silent.
~ The Christian’s every waking moment should be centered on what will glorify their eternal King.
~ Time ---
How do you best use it?
~ Satan has seduced the American Church with the doctrine of money --- but it’s not too late to turn around.
~ Our future is in Christ only, not the stock market.
~ A good dentist can make anyone smile … so can Jesus.
~ The only way to avoid criticism is by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.
But then you would be absolutely useless and good for nothing.
~ When the Church never suffers persecution we grow fat and lazy --- but if the Church suffers we thrive.
~ As Christians we will never be loved by the world --- only tolerated.
~ This Lord of heaven (Yahweh is His name) rules all we see, as well as all we cannot see. No one, not even all the armies of the world can oppose Him. He is all powerful.
~ Our heavenly Father loves us much more than any earthly father ever could.
~ Christians do not go to church, they are the Church, and go to a prearranged place to meet together.
~ Christians begin their eternal life the instant they say “Yes” to Jesus.
~ When the lines of communication between the Lord and us are cut --- guess who held the scissors?
~ This fixation on something being “works” can cause a Christian to just sit down and do nothing for the cause of Christ.
~ Only Christ Jesus can erase the muddy stains of sin. Nothing we do can help.
~ To the highly educated theologian I say this, “You must be born again to enter God’s kingdom.” Jesus said that.
~ Dear Christian brethren,
Leave yourself available for service to the Lord God Most High.
This world has nothing you should desire.
~ Does what you watch or listen to increase your faith --- or does it hinder it?
~ Make no mistake about it --- if you don’t let Christ lead your life, the devil will.
There is NO middle ground.
~ THERE IS a universal moral code of conduct. It was established long ago by God, who rules the heavens with justice and mercy.
~ When we embrace the Christian faith we embrace Christ. We cannot take it on or off like a coat --- if we do, then we never knew Christ in the first place.
~ Better to live all alone with only Christ for a companion than to live in the company of scoffers.
~ The Christian who is easily offended needs to take better control of their emotions.
~ Our failures make us stronger.
Peter is one example.
~ Those who love Jesus will continue to do good and help others in spite of their own pain and suffering.
~ "Do everything you can for God’s glory with what you have at hand."
~ Don't just lead unbelievers to church,
lead them to Jesus so that they can become the Church.
Too many that are just invited to church just go to church and nothing else.
~ Satan tries to tell the Christian that their faith is a private thing between them and God.
But it is not. Christians are commanded by their master Jesus to proclaim their faith publicly.
~ Satan will try to block any biblical truth from bible illiterate Christians in any way he can. (sports addiction is one good example).
~ A prime example of a cult is a church leader that tells those under him not to go to any other church because they're all wrong.
~ Those who teach and preach the prosperity doctrine and tell their followers not to believe anyone else have found an excellent way to make a quick easy buck
~ If it isn’t the Christianity of the bible it isn’t Christianity at all.
~ Don’t hesitate to help Christians who are being persecuted.
Don’t let the devil hinder you with fear and wrong thoughts.
~ The greatest tragedy of our times, ~
"More people will hear the Bible read aloud in a church service than are likely to read it or study it on their own."
- unknown author
~ Don’t commit idolatry by elevating a Christian leader to a place of greater importance than the Church he serves.
~ Do not slander God's preachers for any reason.
~ So you say "Yes Jesus is your Savior". Wonderful ... but is He also your Lord whom you obey daily, striving to please Him rather than wanting Him to please you?
~ If what you plan to teach is not verified in the bible --- don't say it or write it.
~ Those who lash out in anger with their eyes closed will only hurt themselves.
~ Seek the Lord for help first, --- He is fully able to help us when man can't.
~ Wild emotion does not promote the Christian faith.
~ Don't teach others to fall in love with church or church doctrine --- teach them to fall in love with Jesus Christ.
~ As you wait for the Lord’s return get busy doing something in His name while you wait.
~ If what you say, preach, teach, and think about your Christian faith begins to get a little off base you need to really re-study the "Sermon on The Mount".
~ Many are those who claim to know you Lord, but by their words and actions they show they do not.
~ Many Christians in America have been led astray by the glitter in the stores around them.
~ The loss of a loved one here will make the reunion in heaven sweeter.
~ Kindness should be extended to those who are not kind to you. This is the Lord’s way.
~ If you see a secret Christian --- chances are that they are not a Christian.
~ If today’s Church must entertain to fill the building then the Church has lost its impact on the world and it’s witness for Jesus Christ is gone.
~ The Bible is our instruction manual --- both in Christian living and Christian ministry.
“Read the manual.”
~ Which do you place first in your ministry, God the Father or the work you do for Him?
~ The God of the universe does not want your money, He does not need your money. He wants your loving loyalty.
~ When you meet with others --- do they see and hear you, or do they see and hear Christ.
~ With God it’s not ability that He looks for --- but availability.
~ We were not called to just be good people,
we were called to be God’s people.
~ Faith in Christ is not always a way out of suffering --- but faith in Christ always makes it possible to endure suffering.
~ Are we as Christians following our own standards, or are we following the standards of Jesus Christ?
~ Crowds will follow Jesus, (even today), until the going gets rough, and then only the tough and faithful will continue on with Him.
~ Jesus Christ died for you --- are you willing to die for Him.
~ Wasted talents are the greatest tragedy of today’s Church.
~ True trust and devotion to Christ will endure in good times as well as bad.
~ Help those in need and don’t be churchy about it.
~ This life is only one second of eternity. Are you ready for number two?
~ The wise and happy Christian will occupy their time with the things of God while they wait for His coming.
~ We are a confused people in a confused nation in a confused world --- so what’s the solution for this problem?
~ “Where the mind goes we follow.”
- Joyce Myers
~ God wants you, not your money. He doesn't need money, He has all the riches of the universe at His disposal.
So if you are around people who call themselves Christians and their main concern is money and goods --- flee.
~ Religion demands,
Christian faith gives.
~ Strong faith in Jesus Christ will carry you through any crisis in this earthly life, even the loss of everything. Be firm and steadfast, never give up.
~ Faith and trust are one and the same.
If we claim to have faith in Jesus but do not trust Him in everyday life, we are faithless.
~ This ship called earth is sinking fast, Prepare yourself for eternity.
~ Christian workers...
Slow down and let the Lord lead. All that work will be done on time. Haste makes waste.
~ If you feel like you’re stagnating in the church building go out and be the Church, because that is our reason for remaining on earth.
~ I have nothing,
I need nothing,
I want nothing but to live for Christ.
~ Sometimes when we think we are humble we are not,
and sometimes when we think we are not humble we are.
~ Two types of Christians,
1. I’m going to obey you God because I want that reward. :-(
2. I’m going to obey you Father because I love you. :-)
~ Are there any weeds in your garden of faith?
Jesus has the hoe.
~ Who we run to in times of trouble tells a lot about us.
~ Pride is almost invisible, you sometimes can’t see it until you look in the mirror.
~ As Christians go through the trials of life, the only thing that can keep us going are the promises of Jesus.
~ In days of trouble where do you go, to other people or to Christ.
~ The Church is not the way to heaven --- the Church only points the way to heaven, and that way is Jesus.
~ Jesus offers us the hope of a secure future when the end comes.
And don't deceive yourself --- the end of all things will come.
~ How often do we say, “Lord you can count on me for anything --- whenever I’m through doing what I’m doing.”
~ By sometimes trying to make our own heaven on earth, we make our own hell instead.
~ Those who can’t forget are worse off than those who can’t remember.
~ We can never clean up and come to Jesus --- we come to Jesus and He cleans us up.
~ Real Christians don’t whine, they shine.
~ If you want to teach people the Christian way, behave in a Christian manner.
~ When God provides a tool to reach others, use it.
~ If God sends you, He will provision you.
~ In all things, test your life by scripture.
~ If you have no faith left --- did you have it in the first place?
~ Religion may change your outward appearance, but only Christ can change you inside.
~ To learn patience is hard --- to learn patience under fire is harder still.
~ Count your blessings and then see if there is room left for complaint.
~ “If we are not governed by God, we will be governed by tyrants.”
- William Penn
~ If you do not submit to Jesus Christ your life will soon crumble. When disaster comes you will be alone.
~ When you serve the Lord, He will provide the tools, the place, the time and the way.
~ Good under shepherds will not look down on lost sheep --- they gently urge them back into God’s fold. And the really good ones will never give up on a sinner.
~ We cannot save ourselves --- God does it for us.
~ If no one greets you in a new fellowship meeting --- greet them and watch the ice melt.
~ Pride is a bitter enemy of those who follow Christ.
~ The words and actions of people are the best indicators of their thoughts.
- unknown author
~ If you are ashamed to be called “Christian”, then you are ashamed of Christ.
~ When Satan tells you freedom --- it means slavery.
When God tells you freedom --- it means FREEDOM.
~ Right living without Jesus Christ = sin.
~ When you kick someones idol, they will viciously turn on you. (and there are many in today’s world).
~ Man’s destiny is not written in the stars --- it is written in the Holy Bible.
~ The sinner’s existence is from death to death,
the Christian’s adventure is from life to life.
~ Don’t live in the past, there isn’t any future in it.
- unknown author
~ Laughter is like drinking a tall glass of cool water on a hot summer day.
~ Those who place their own salvation ahead of others are only serving themselves.
- Finney
~ With God it’s not ability that counts --- but availability.
~ When we obey God in the small jobs, He will trust us with the big jobs.
~ Accept and trust Christ as your Savior now --- five minutes from now may be too late.
~ If we are to live for God at any time or in any place, we are to live for Him at all times and in all places.
- unknown author
~ God doesn't call the qualified, but He always qualifies those He calls.
~ When Christians fight each other --- the world sees it all.
~ When a brother or sister in Christ acts negative toward us we are to react with loving kindness --- for such is the way of heaven.
~ Do we as Christians repel others FROM Christ --- or do we attract them TO Christ?
~ When testing time comes, and it will, how do we as Christians view it --- and how do we react to it?
~ Closets are for clothes not Christians.
~ Fishing for men:
you catch them --- Jesus will clean them.
~ Religion is earthbound --- Faith is heavenbound.
~ Do you open up a can of gospel quotes, or do you present others with the real and living Jesus?
~ Even if others misunderstand you --- try to understand them.
~ Be real in your Christian life seven days a week, twenty four hours a day, even when you are alone.
~ What God brings about no man can alter or destroy.
~ When you really wants to live a life pleasing to the Lord Jesus you will be on a collision course with the society you live in.
~ It is foolish to trust in man, when man is only thinking of himself. Trust in God, He is thinking of you.
~ Earthly man’s hatred of their fellow man WILL be punished by the supreme ruler of all the universe.
~ We are either 100% for Jesus, or not at all.
There is no half following Jesus during the work week.
~ If we as Christians are to give a believable testimony, don’t go into great detail about what you may have seen or heard from God.
~ To ridicule another person’s ministry is folly.
~ Conviction from the Holy Spirit brings revival.
~ Those with no faith in Jesus Christ have a good reason to worry about their future.
~ If man points out your sin, think on it.
If the Holy Spirit points out your sin, repent of it.
~ What goes into your mind is what comes out in action and speech.
~ Men and women of mission minded action never waste a moment of life on unnecessary diversions --- the cause of Christ is too urgent.
~ Truth will win any argument.
~ “Be a lamp to the world” (Matthew 5:14) … Be a shining example to other Christians as well as to the world.
~ The human mind is like a bucket. If you continually fill it with worthless junk, there is no room left for the things of God.
~ Why feed on the un-nourishing husks of this world when you can feed on the rich corn of heaven.
~ A welcome mat lies in front of an open bible.
~ Is a Christian responsible for other believers?
Absolutely --- iron sharpens iron. (Proverbs 27:17).
~ God will hold His ministers accountable for their errors because errors lead people astray.
~ There IS HOPE for individuals residing in a world gone mad.
That hope is in Jesus Christ the Son of God. There is no other way.
~ Each one of us has a unique talent --- a special gift that God has given us. Use it for His glory.
~ Christians need not fear, because they know that the one they love and serve is in control.
- anonymous
~ Pride will kill a Christian’s fervor for the Lord.
~ God wants to save us not because He needs us, but because He loves us.
~ Psalm 55:22 “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.”
- bible
~ Choose Christ. He will give you more security than the world ever will.
~ Our greatest desire in life should be the desire to see through the eyes of Jesus.
~ We don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we can rest assured God holds it.
- unknown author
~ When man is in control it fails,
when God is in control it cannot.
~ American Christians need a stronger faith, we have been living in the scientific age far too long.
~ There is no such thing as a coincidence. God is in complete control.
~ When love seems impossible --- let God love through you.
- unknown author
~ When you feel like you're losing control of your life let God take control.
- unknown author
~ When you have Jesus Christ you have everything,
if you have everything without Jesus Christ you have nothing.
~ An endless eternity is at the end of this life. Give your loyalty to Jesus Christ and you will live forever above.
~ God is filled with love, and He has compassion on all He has made.
~ Mankind abandoned God and still He sent His Christ to save us.
~ What or who do you allow to rule your life --- the world or Christ?
~ God gave all Christians gifts and talents. Use Them or Lose Them.
~ There are caring soul winners --- and then there are those who won’t associate with sinners.
~ Kick failure aside and keep going.
~ The Christian God is a God of never ending forgiveness.
You can rest peacefully knowing that fact.
~ The Christian God identifies you by your name not a number.
~ The Christian worker's job is to sow --- the Holy spirit will do the rest.
~ Give people what God wants them to hear,
Not what they want to hear.
~ It's not about church growth ... it's about introducing others to Jesus Christ.
~ As we cry out to God for help, we can trust that He will be with us.
~ "Every Day With Jesus" should be our Christian motto.
~ If you are a Christian, the Jesus you talk about must be the Jesus of the new testament.
~ The Lord Jesus plans our work and ministry not us.
We must surrender our will to the will of Christ before anything can be accomplished.
~ Share of your abundance with others as God gives to you, with no thought of repayment.
~ God is in the salvage business. He can remake you into something useful.
Just as we can recast useless items and remake them, so can God remake our lives.
~ Brethren in Christ … stop trying and start trusting.
~ Don’t pick other preachers apart for the way they preach, we all have our own techniques for reaching the lost and encouraging the Church.
The main topic is Christ death on the cross and His bodily resurrection from the tomb.
~ Beloved preacher,
If you have anger in your heart for ANY reason .... don’t even think about going near that pulpit. Others will see that anger even if you try to hide it.
Step down until you have repented.(and do it quickly, your flock is waiting.)
~ Don’t think that your education and seminary training will make you an effective evangelist. Only the Holy Spirit can do that.
~ Never be ashamed to talk about Christ wherever you are and whoever you are with.
~ Christians belong to each other because we belong to Christ.
~ Only in Christ can true inner peace be achieved.
~ Christian ... rest from your Christian work or else you’ll fall apart. No one benefits from that.
~ The Living Water does not have additives.
~ Pepsi Cola will never quench your thirst like Jesus can.
~ God's miracles still happen.
~ If you follow Jesus you WILL be hated. I did not say this, Jesus did. Matthew 10:22
~ A loose mouth will be it’s owners downfall.
~ Christian living is preparation for life in eternity.
~ God gives us what we do not deserve...a free pardon when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.
~ God remakes us into His image when we in sorrow repent of our sins.
~ When we place our problems in God’s hands Just forget them and go on about your daily affairs. He will take care of it.
~ Jesus will never fail you, He is completely trustworthy.
~ The Holy Spirit is faithful in reminding you of what you should and shouldn’t do.
~ Man judges you by your appearance and how much you have, God judges you by the contents of your heart.
~ The Lord uses trials to teach us how to trust Him.
~ We must comfort others just as God comforts us.
~ Every good and perfect gift is from our heavenly Father.
~ Rejoice! Your heavenly Father is your greatest help.
~ Our changed lives can attract others to the one who changed us.
~ God’s work should be important to every Christian because it brings others to salvation.
~ Water your parched land with Jesus the Living Water.
~ We dare not keep God’s good news to ourselves.
~ Jesus said in John 15:5 “Without me you can do nothing.”
~ If you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ and have no love for others, you are a fake.
~ The God who loves us will strengthen us in our daily trials.
~ Our being close to God results in our humility.
~ God is going to make all things new.
~ Mourning with others is true loving compassion.
~ Whenever we decide to do things God’s way He gives us the power and the tools to do it. Plus, the Holy Spirit is by our side guiding us every step of the way.
~ When we become a Christian God becomes our eternal heavenly Father.
~ If you want to live in heaven forever, accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. There is no other way.
~ Daily communion with our heavenly Father will eliminate our worries.
~ Never question why God allowed His Son to die on a Roman cross for our salvation, just accept it on faith.
~ Only the God of the bible can make us new.
~ Offer help to others in the name of Jesus.
~ Only Jesus can bring you the joy you need for living.
~ Talk to God, He is waiting and He will listen.
~ When you let the Lord Jesus lead you through life you will never be disappointed.
However --- if you try to lead yourself you will meet failure after failure.
~ God desires that we care for His creation, but not worship it. He alone is worthy of our worship.
~ We can witness the best when times are at their worst.
~ Our sins may be great, but God’s forgiveness is greater.
~ The Holy Spirit is our helper. He is a gift to us from the Almighty above.
~ To many the voice of God is the voice of Life.
But to the vast majority the voice of God spells Doom.
~ No Christian needs a priest or preacher to interpret the bible for us. The Holy Spirit is our expositor.
~ God provides the strength we need to persevere and grow.
~ Strive every day to be closer to Christ than you were the day before.
~ God wants your love and devotion not your money.
~ Christian meekness is strength under God's control.
~ Do everything you can for God’s glory with what you’ve been given.
~ Don't just talk to the Lord...learn to listen.
~ Quiet reflection is important to one's well being.
~ No matter how bad off you THINK you are ... there are always others worse off. Go and help them.
~ The contented person is never poor, The discontented person is never rich.
~ The shaking (disasters) of the earth will be terrible to those who set their affection on things of this world.
- by Matthew Henry
~ You can diagnose when you are out of the Spirit: when you have no desire to pray. When you are walking in the spirit you have a desire to pray. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of prayer.
~ Heaven is relaxed but not lazy.
Jesus said, "I must do the work of Him who sent me."
Jesus said, "My Father works to this day."
Adam and Eve were meant to work, but their work turned into hard labor as a result of their sin.
~ Salvation is Not a reward for being good...It Is a Free Gift of God for anyone who accepts His Son as their Savior.
Eternal life does not come by attending a church every Sunday or Saturday, nor through a certain denomination, and not by a creed or a set of rules and regulations, and certainly not by praying to angels, or to people long dead, but only through Jesus Christ the Savior mentioned in the new testament. He is the righteous Son of God the Father, He was fully God, fully man while on earth.
~ Learn to hear God’s voice over all the rude noise and clamor of the world.
~ There are those in the Christian world who claim believers in today's Church cannot hear God’s voice.
Don’t you believe them. They can offer a very convincing argument.
God speaks to those who love Him in various ways.
2 Timothy 3: (NIV)
:1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. :2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, :3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, :4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— :5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
~ Preachers,
Match your lives with what you preach and the sheep will follow your example.