Christian writers should not write like the writers of this world...

...we have a different calling,
A sacred trust from our Lord that we might show others the way to Jesus and eternal life.

God has gifted every Christian with a special talent. And if we are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit each one of us can use that talent to proclaim the message of Christ to those around us, and we will if we love them.

One of the greatest advantages of writing instead of being a speaker is that if you say something in front of others that you should not have said --- it's said. Too late to take it back. And people have long memories.

Thank God I only write.

I can't count the number of times I've written things I shouldn't have, mostly severe rebukes. (we shouldn't be overly severe, and I sometimes am.) But the Lord in His loving mercy has, many times, woke me up at different hours of the night and whispered lovingly in my ear, "You can't say that, it's way too harsh.

Most often I would get out of a nice warm bed, go in and turn the computer on, open up my working site and delete the offending material.

Why such urgency you might ask.

Because while it's night where I'm at it's daytime on the other side of the world and that harsh critique is being read by others.

Do you see the upside of writing.
We have time to review, correct, and change our tone before it's too late.

- Have a wonderful day, and let Jesus hold your pen for you.