Or in other words ... add on's are man made rules that make it difficult for unbelievers to become Christians.
Jesus Christ simply says this to those who encounter him "Will you follow me." That is just a simple question, not a whole lot of rules on rules on rules.
Essentials and Nonessentials
In The Christian Faith
Nonessentials: are the subjects that do not affect a person’s salvation and could possible include pre or post-trib rapture, worship on Saturday or Sunday, musical instruments in the church, the charismatic gifts, worship styles, dress codes, haircuts, etc. Unfortunately, the disagreements that arise around these subjects result in denominational fragmentation.
Essentials: of the faith would include who God is, who Jesus is, salvation by grace, and Jesus' resurrection. The Bible tells us that these doctrines concerning God, Christ, salvation, and resurrection are essential to the faith. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that Christians know their faith and know how to defend it against the doctrines that compromise the essentials.
"Now, brothers, I have applied these things
to myself and Apollos for your benefit,
so that you may learn from us
the meaning of the saying,
"Do not go beyond what is written."
1 Corinthians 4:6